Technical Introduction – Community Heritage Digital Archive

Date and version

This document relates to version 2 of the Community Heritage Digit Archive and is current as at August 2013.[/reveal]


This document provides an introduction to the Community Heritage Digital Archive which at the time of writing is used in the historic web sites of: Bow Brickhill, Hanslope, Olney, the Two village of Milton Keynes and Broughton, Yardley Gobion, and Yardley Hastings; all of which are members of Milton Keynes Heritage Association.  The primary audience for this document is anyone wanting to get an overview understanding of the architecture of the System, particularly anyone who might in future need to become involved in maintaining the System.

The Community Heritage Digital Archive is software which allows communities to store photographs and information from documents and index these in ways that allow visitors to interact with the community web site to explore the history of the community.  All information stored in the system is input using web pages which are specifically designed to be easy to use by people with limited experience of using computers.

The main components of the System are:

  • a database which is used to store information and the indexes used in searches for information
  • pages to be used by visitors to the web site to make enquiries and receive responses
  • pages to be used by the team which inputs and amends information in the system.

The system is intended to be embedded within a parent web site to provide the archiving and indexing capability.  It is not intended as a complete web site in itself.  The above components reside on each community’s web site on the Internet (i.e. there is a separate database and separate pages for each community using the System).

The system is intended to be available at very low cost to the communities that use it.  It is not intended to be industrial strength software for a mission critical application.  Rather, it is conceived as software to support a hobby activity that results in information that is interesting to a wide audience, but is not critical.

Incorporated software

The System uses public licence software: software that is licensed at no charge to the users.

the database is stored using mySQL database software.

Web pages use php scripting language in addition to HTML and SQL to access the database, and small amounts of JavaScript.  The JavaScript is used mainly on the web entry pages, and should definitely be enabled on any equipment used by a team member wishing to input data.

other public license code incorporated includes software to provide: text editing, image pan and zoom, menu management, tab creation and asynchronous sub-page load.


There are 58 tables in the database which can be grouped as follows.

  1. Source tables used to store data according to type of source (38 tables):
  • census data stored in 4 tables
  • church records information stored in 5 tables
  • accounts records stored in 3 tables intended for old accounts books, including rent books
  • directory records in 2 tables for business directories
  • document records in 6 tables for use for any document not specifically provided for under other headings, including deeds, court records, newspaper cuttings, booklets and catalogues
  • election registers in 1 table
  • map information in 2 tables
  • monument information in 3 tables for gravestones and similar monuments
  • photographs in 4 tables which provide for grouping photographs into “sets” rather like photo albums, but allowing one photograph to be included in several sets
  • other people information in one table for sundry information about a person that does not fit anywhere else
  • school books records from school registers in 2 tables
  • will information in 3 tables
  1. building information in 4 tables which provide for storing architectural and historical information and indexing photographs.  The table also provide for sub-divisions of buildings such as a terraces or a tenement blocks.
  2. master reference data shared by several of the above areas, stored in 7 tables
  3. derived tables which summarise information from the above areas to provide faster response to enquiries
  • a table, masterPeople with a record for each person mentioned in any of the Source tables listed above, and a link back to the source table
  • a table buildingPeople with a record for each person mentioned in any Source table above who can be identified with a specific property, and a link back to the source table
  • two tables with alternative spellings of family names and first names, respectively
  • two tables holding image and document keyword indexes
  1. technical tables used to provide flexibility to make changes to the software functions (3 tables)

The diagram at appendix A illustrates all the tables and the key relationships between them.

Storage engine

All tables use ISAM table storage.  ISAM was chosen because of its high performance, because it is well proven and easy to use.   The concern was that the use of alternatives such as the InnoDB storage method would add complexity.

ISAM does not enforce referential integrity (prevent deletion of a master record while there are dependent records still in the database – example: prevent the deletion of a household record while there are records still in the database of people in the household).  As a result, this referential integrity must be enforced by the php code in the web entry pages, which is generally done by not displaying the delete button for any record that still has dependent records in the database.  A message is generally displayed to explain why there is no delete available and what dependent records to delete before a parent record can be deleted.  This appears to be working well.  Further, if there are “orphaned” dependant records in the database (records where the parent has been wrongly deleted), the architecture of the pages seems to tolerate this without causing any error condition.

No use has been made of SQL Commit and Rollback functionality.  This is because nearly all changes impact only one table at a time.  There is an exception in page imageAdd.php in folder webEntry/images/ which can be required first to add a record to table imageDetail and then to add a related record to table buildingImages if the photograph being indexed is to be linked to a building.  The view was that if one of these inserts failed and the other succeeded, the situation would be recoverable by the user, with minimal damage to the integrity of the database.

Database administration

Host-It, the Internet Service Provider used by MKHA, makes phpMyAdmin available as a tool for viewing the database.  This allows the design, and the content of each table to be viewed.  It also allows that in an emergency, additions, amendments and deletions can be made.  This is not recommended for routine use, as it by-passes the validation built into the web entry pages.  phpMyAdmin is public licence software available at no charge.

It is possible to link Microsoft Access running on a PC to the mySQL database via the Internet.  No data is held in Access, but using the normal Access features, the design and content of each table can be viewed, and table content can also be changed.  This is only recommended for team members who already have Access loaded on their PCs and who are familiar with Access.  For this group only, this can be a very useful facility, as the query-by-example tool provided by Access is very easy to use once someone is familiar with Access.  There is no equivalent tool with phpMyAdmin.

Using either phpMyAdmin or Access requires use of an id and password.

Database backup

Host-It provide back-up every 24 hours of all the data on their servers.  Experience to date is that this has been adequate, although it has hardly been used, so not much tested.

If a community group wishes to make their own back-up on their own PC’s the most practical tool at the moment is phpMyAdmin which has back-up and restore functions which transfer the back-up over the Internet.  There is no back-up functionality built into the pages supplied.

Visitor pages

There are in the region of 80 pages which can be accessed by visitors to the web site to enable them to search for information and then look at that information in many different ways. These pages do not allow the visitor to update the database.  These pages fall into the following groups.

  • person enquiry pages to make an initial enquiry, refine the enquiry and view results in the form of lists of references to a person
  • building enquiry pages
  • photograph find and view pages
  • pages specific to each source of information, allowing the visitor to view an entry for one person in a source, or view a whole page of information from a source.  These pages allow the visitor to view images of the source documents and transcriptions of those documents where available.
    (Sources for which there is specific provision are: accounts; census; church records; directories; election registers; school registers; rate books; surveys; and wills; and then there are two general purpose sources allowed for: one for notes about a specific person, and one for all other document types not provide for specifically.)

All these pages are placed in a folder “visitorPages/” which should normally be immediately below the root folder for the community web site (the folder that contains the page index.html for the site).

To enable visitors to access these pages, a community must include links to these pages in their existing web pages.  A page (tempIndex.php) is provided which includes all the links that a community might consider adding to its existing web site.

Also within the folder visitorPages, there are folders for the following purposes.

images contains sub-folders which are the default folders for storing the following, if available:

·    buildings:  for photographs used to illustrate building write-ups
(not for photographs of buildings which are included in the images folder below); this folder is intended for photographs of architectural features such as roof trusses, windows and fireplaces

·    census:  for images used to illustrate the page which displays one  census entry (the database can holds, for each census household, a link to a specific photograph; only one, default, image is required, and an initial image for this purpose is supplied)

·    church registers:  for photographs of each page from each church register

·    directories:  for photographs of pages from business directories

·    docs:  for photographs of documents

·    images:  for photographs

·    maps:  with subfolders containing “tiles” for maps to be displayed using Google software

·    monuments:  for photographs of churchyard and other monuments

·    sundry:  for a few images used to illuminate pages; supplied with the pages

·    wills:  for photographs of wills

·    1910Images:  for photographs of the pages of the 1910 Inland Revenue survey of properties, owners and tenants

The above are default folders for the purposes indicated.  In many cases, it is possible to use different default folders.  Guidelines are provided on the web entry pages for the specific area.

thumbnails ·    buildings: for thumbnail used to identify each building

·    docs: for thumbnails of photographs of document pages

·    images: for thumbnails of photographs

shared contains files used by several visitor pages: including

·    a page which holds the code to allow Google analytics to keep statistics on visitor usage of the web site (analytics.php)

·    connection pages containing id and password required to access the database (coWebEntry.php)

·    logo for use at top right of all pages

·    favicon, a small image used in browsers to identify page to a web site

·    sundry images such as next and previous arrows

·    pan and zoom software for use with photographs (public license software – shiftzoom.js)

·    spry HTML panels provided by Adobe which provides for reloading part of a page (a panel spryHTMLPanel.*)

·    spry Menu Bar provide by Adobe (use onHover or similar which does not work with tablets, so should not be used further)

·    spry Tabbed panels provided by Adobe which provide tabs within a page

·    a style sheet for visitor pages containing some php code to acquire certain colour and appearance information from a database table of  parameters (style3.php)

·    a page to analyse middle names (vvMiddleName.php)

·    a page to load session variables which “remember” colour and appearance options for the visitor pages (vvParameters.php)

·    a piece of code to display thumbnails of photographs, adjusting the size on the thumbnail to space available (vvThumbnailDisplay.php)

·    a page containing code to check if another village mentioned in the census is also using this software (used to provide a link to that villages web site when appropriate – vvVillageCheck.php))

Web entry pages

There are approximately 200 pages which allow the community team to input and amend information.  These page are distributed amongst several folders, all under one master folder: “webEntry” which should normally be placed immediately below the root folder for the community web site.  The folders and the purpose of the pages they hold are as follows:

webEntry a log in page and the main menu page which allows team members to select the area in which they wish to work (as detailed below)
buildings input information about buildings
census input information from census returns
church input information from church records
documents input information from general documents and load images of documents
images input information about images and load images
maps input information about maps and markers to be placed on the maps
master input the master information used by each of the other areas, such as relationship and county codes; alternative spellings of names; parameters which are used to tailor the appearance of pages; user names and password; and pages which are used to start the automatic update of derived tables (see tables above)
monuments input information about gravestones and other monuments
otherPeople input information from accounts records, election registers and general information about one person
shared contains files used by pages in the other folders: including

·    a text editor from tiny_mce (public licence software)

·    a page and JavaScript used by other pages to find a building to link to by first selecting a street

·    colour-picker popups (public licence software)

·    connection pages containing id and password required to access the database

·    logos for use at top right of all pages and favicon

·    sundry images such as next and previous arrows

·    pan and zoom software (public license software)

·    spry HTML panels provided by Adobe

·    spry Tabbed panels provided by Adobe

·    a page to load session variables

·    a style sheet for web entry pages containing some php code to acquires certain colour and appearance information from a database table of  parameters

survey input information for 1910 Inland Revenue survey of all buildings, owners and tenants, also input information from other surveys, from rate books, and from business directories
wills input information about wills and load images of wills

Appendix B contains diagrams representing the web entry pages and an the relationships between them.

Access control and passwords

To access any of the web entry pages, a user must have a user id and password.  All the web entry pages load a common piece of code in (in file authentication.php in folder “webEntry/shared/”.  This code prevents the page being opened if the user has not already logged in.  When a user attempts to log in, the password entered is compared to the password stored in the database.  Password are stored encrypted in the database.

Once logged in, team members can amend their own passwords.

Team members can be designated as “administrators”.  Administrators can add and delete ids of team members, and assign an initial password to allow the team member to log on for the first time.  If a team member looses a password, an administrator can assign a new password.

Page appearance – Cascading Style Sheets

There are two style sheets: one used by all visitor pages(style3.php in folder visitorPages/shared/), the other by the web entry pages (weStyle.php in folder webEntry/shared/).

These style sheets contain the instructions for the colour and appearance of the main features on web pages.  This includes the background colour for the page, page header background colour, font size and colour, the appearance of forms and of tables in pages, the appearance of navigation strips at the top and bottom of each, and many similar items.  If a community group has the skills to amend style sheets, the two style sheets may be amended directly.

For those groups that do not have anyone familiar with style sheets, a web pages masterVisitors.php and masterWebEntry.php are provided to allow the community group can select colours and other features.  Their selections are stored in database table masterParameters and then used by the style sheets to set the colours specified.  This feature only allows the group to set a few of the most important features specified on a style sheet.  There remain many features that can only be changed by amending the style sheet.

Stored procedures

There are 25 stored routines used to implement batch processes which are initiated from web entry pages.  The table below summarises the pages, routines they access and the purpose of these routines.

web page routine purpose
masterIndexTasks.php indexAll() calls each of the following in turn:















index Wills()

each of which deletes previous entries and adds new entries to derived tables masterPeople and buildingPeople from one set of source tables.  The logic includes preparing a short note summarising the content of the record summarised

indexDots() removes embedded dots (.) from middle names (they cased a problem when search middle names
nameIndex() calls each of the following in turn:



which creates a new version of masterFirstNames and masterFamilyNames respectively masterPeople and from masterAltFstNames and masterAltFamNames respectively

censusIndex.php indexCensus() recreates masterPeople for census records only
churchBooksIndex.php indexBaptisms()






recreates masterPeople and buildingPeople for church records only
docsMasterIndex.php indexDocuments()



recreates masterPeople for documents records only
imageMasterIndex.php indexImages()



recreates masterPeople for image(photograph)  records only
monumentIndex.php indexMonuments()



recreates masterPeople for monument  records only
willIndex.php indexWills()



recreates masterPeople for will  records only
docsKeywordIndex.php docsKeywordsClear()


clears table docsKeywordIndex then recreates entries from entries in field keyWords in table docsDetail
imageKeywordIndex.php clearIndex()


clears table imageKeywordIndex then recreates entries from entries in field keyWords in table imageDetail

Page structure and documentation

The coding of each web page begins with a narrative which shows the current page version number, date last updated and a history of updates.  This is followed by a description of the purpose of the page and an outline of how the code on the page works.  The lines of code on the page are annotated to help explain what the code is doing.

The pages were developed using Adobe Dreamweaver.  The majority of the database enquiries (SQL Select statements) still follow the standard Dreamweaver format, so can be read by Dreamweaver, and can be maintained using Dreamweaver.

The database updates (SQL Insert, Update and Delete statements) on the web entry pages mostly no longer use the Dreamweaver formats.  A few of the pages are still structured as Dreamweaver generates them, with separate pages for adding a record, amending a record and deleting a record in one database table.  However, in most cases these functions are now combine in one page.  In general, the page containing a form used to enter amends to a record also holds the add, amend and delete logic.  When the user clicks on an Add, Save or Delete button on a form, the page is recalled, and initial php logic on the page recognises if an add, amend or delete is required and provides the necessary SQL statements.  When the user is adding  a record, the processing will then go on to display the update form to allow the user to input information into the empty record just added.  For amend and delete, once the database update has been completed, the code typically redirects to another page, [using php header(“Location: …”) command].


Testing has been on a PC running Windows professional, IIS, and a local mySQL database.  The testing database is a copy of the Hanslope database which is periodically refreshed.  When necessary, additional test records are added to test features not yet live for Hanslope including, if necessary, copying data from another village and adding it to the test database.  This copying has been done using phpMyAdmin Export and Import facilities.  Testing has been mainly with Firefox, with some testing on Windows Explorer and Chrome, particularly where JavaScript has been employed.  Very limited testing on iPad has been done on the live system only.  A Chromebook is regularly used for web entry for one site.


No formal performance tests have been made.  However, no performance issues have arisen since some initial tuning was required on the detailed person enquiry page (personSummary.php).

The database is very small compared to what mySQL is capable of handling, table structures are straightforward and most queries quite simple.  So it is very unlikely that there will be performance issues with the database for the foreseeable future.  (The largest database at the moment is the Hanslope database which holds approximately 200,000 records across all tables and required 26Mb of storage).

The occasional slow response seems to be entirely due to heavy Internet traffic, perhaps combined with heavier loading on the Internet Service Provider servers.  Typically, responses become slower in the late afternoon and evening.

There is only one major batch process which deletes all records from four derived tables and reloads these tables with the latest data extracted from all the source tables.  This involves executing multiple SQL insert statements.  For Hanslope this now takes in the region of 10 second, which is considered acceptable.

It is rare for any programming errors to effect anything other than the immediate page on which the error occurs.  There have been no known errors which have corrupted the database and had a wider impact.  Most programming errors can be attributed to early use of new or modified pages.

User identities and passwords

The arrangements described above require user identities and passwords to be set up for each community group for each of the following purposes.

  • access the database
  • access web entry pages
  • upload pages to the server

A document recording the ids and passwords for each of the groups set up to date will be handed to two coordinators of groups using the Archive software (subject to agreement of all), to be used in an emergency, such as might occur if no one was available with a required authority.

Referral database

In addition to the separate database set up for each community to store its data, there is one further database.  This supports the referral of visitors between the web sites of communities, as described below.

Currently referral only operates for census information.  If the “where born” field in the census displays the name of another community which is using the Community Heritage Digit Archive, a message is displayed and the visitor has the option to open a page with the results of a search for the person named in the census in the other community web site.

This functionality is provided by JavaScript in the census detail page which uses an XMLHTTPRequest to send a message to the Referral database where a check is made whether the “where born” name is that of a participating community, and if so the web address of that community is returned.

The referral database has two tables:

  • one to hold the web address of each participating community
  • the other to hold each alternative spelling of the community name.

When a new community is added, a record must be added to the first table by a coordinator.  Communities can add the alternative spellings of their town/village name using their web entry pages (using web entry page masterReferral.php accessed from main menu Reference Data item, then “alternate spelling of name” on page that appears).  Communities should only do this when they have census data available.

Setting up a new Community

Appendix  D contains a checklist of tasks to set up a new installation for a community and help them get started.

The main steps are as follows.

  1. Set up an empty database with initial user ids and passwords, load empty table definitions  For MKHA members this is done using Host-It windows admin panels
  2. (optionally) Set up phpMyAdmin and/or Access links to the database with password
  3. Load visitor and web entry pages to the community’s web site.  This required FTP software with passwords to access the community’s web site.
  4. Create the link between the web pages and the database in page coWebEntry.php by adding the database name and password.
  5. Tailor the appearance of visitor pages and, separately, web entry pages using the facilities provided in the web entry pages.
  6. Add village parameters to the database using the web entry pages.  Parameters include name of community, name of village, logo and favicon files, names of pages to return to on the community web site when visitor leaves the Community Heritage Digit Archive pages.
  7. Add Google analytics codes if the community uses Google analytics to provide statistics of web page usage.

Then it is a matter of selecting a source to work on (census, church records, etc.), and learning by doing data entry.  The pages are designed to be intuitive to use, but it undoubtedly easier to have someone on hand with experience to help a new team get started.

If a community already has data in digital form, it should be possible to load that data to the database.  An effort will be required to “map” the data available to the fields available in the database tables.  Generally, it is best to get data onto spreadsheets, then upload to the database from the spreadsheets.  Loading can be done via either phpMyAdmin or Microsoft Access.  Access is probably easier to use, but phpMyAdmin may handle large volumes faster.


A. Tables used in Community Heritage Digit Archive

Table Key Type Content
accountsBooks bookID source each accounts book
accountsDetail entryID source each entry in accounts book
accountsGroup groupID source grouping of accounts books (for use where there are several similar books, such as rent books of one landlord – enables summarisation across group rather than book alone)
buildingData buildingID building each building
buildingImages itemID building link to each image of building in imageDetail
buildingPeople masterID derived each person identified with a building
buildingStreet streetSideID building each “street”, treating two sides of a street separately, to allow sequencing of buildings on a street
buildingSubdivision buildingSubID building each subdivision of a building (apartments within a block; each hereditament with a terraced houses)
censusDistrict districtID source each district within a census year (allows possibility of different arrangement of districts between census years)
censusHousehold householdID source each household within a census district
censusPeople recorded source each person with a household
censusYear year source each census year
churchBaptisms registerID source each baptism record within a book of baptism records
churchBooks bookID source each book of church records
churchBurials registerID source each burials record within a book of baptism records
churchMarriages registerID source each marriage record within a book of baptism records
churchRegister registerID source each record within a book of mixed baptism, marriage and burial records (typically early books with records on unformatted pages)
churchRegisterLines type technical entry for each type of record allowed in table churchRegister (used to format forms for data entry)
directoryData directoryID source each business directory
directoryDetail entryID source each person mentioned in a business directory
docsBuildings recorded source each building mentioned in a document
docsDetail itemID source each document (for documents for which there is no specific provision, such a census, wills, etc); expected to included deeds, press cuttings, booklets, catalogues, and many others)
docsImages imageID source each image of a document (typically one for each page)
docsKeywordIndex recorded derived each keyword records for each document; used to provide fast response to keyword searches
docsPeople peopleID source each person mentioned within a documents
docsPeopleBuilding entryID source link of persons mentioned in a documents to a building mentioned in a document (e.g. linking an owner of a tenant to a building)
docsRelated entryID source link of one document to another related document
electionRegister entryID source each person included in an election register
imageDetail imageID source each photograph
imageKeywordIndex recorded derived each keyword records for each photograph; used to provide fast response to keyword searches
imagePeople itemID source each person in a photograph
imageSet setID source convenient grouping of photographs, to facilitate selection of photographs for viewing (loosely equivalent to a photo album)
imageSetContent imageSetID source each photograph in each image set
mapData mapID source each map to be displayed using Google maps software
mapMarkers itemID source each marker on each map
masterAltFamNames itemID reference each alternative spelling for each family name
masterAltFstNames itemID reference each alternative spelling for each first name
masterArchives sourceID reference each Archive in which documents are stored; mainly used by documents tables; to be used by wills tables
masterCounty countyCode reference each county (and some countries); used in census (where born county) and in wills.
masterFamilyNames itemID derived representation of alternative spellings of family names for used in fast look-up responding to enquiries (required because masterAltFamNames will have no entry for names which have no alternative spelling)
masterFirstNames itemID derived representation of alternative spellings of first names for used in fast look-up responding to enquiries
masterParameters itemID reference on entry for parameters used to tailor system for a village/community; ranges from village name to colour and appearance.
masterPeople masterID derived each reference to a person in each source table
masterReference recordID reference users authorised to perform web entry, including password which is encrypted
masterRelationships relationCode reference two digit relationship codes used to represent relationships such a wife, son, niece, etc; use mainly in census for relation to head of household and in wills
masterSource sourceID technical each major source of information (census, church records, etc); also each “other” source recognised in table docsDetail
masterSourceEvent itemID technical each type of entry recognised within each source (e.g. with marriage source: bride, groom, father of bride, groom, witness)
monumentData monumentID source each churchyard gravestone or other monument
monumentImages imageID source each image of a monuments
monumentPeople personID source each person mentioned in a monument
otherPeople otherPeopleID source each entry of sundry information about a person (intended for information such as what happened to people who leave the community)
schoolBooks bookID source each register book of school records
schoolRegister entryID source each entry in a register
surveyData surveyed source each survey (main use for 1910 Inland Revenue survey)
surveyDetail entryID source each person/property entry in a survey
willData willID source each will
willImages recorded source each page image of a will
willPeople entryID source each person mentioned in a will


The 58 tables in the database can be grouped as follows.

  1. source tables used to store data according to type of source (38 tables):
    • census data stored in 4 tables
    • church records information stored in 5 tables (churchRegisterLines is classified as a “technical table” – see below)
    • accounts records stored in 3 tables intended for old accounts books, including rent books
    • directory records in 2 tables for business directories
    • document records in 6 tables for use for any document not specifically provided for under other headings, including deeds, court records, newspaper cuttings, booklets and catalogues
    • election registers in 1 table
    • map information in 2 tables
    • monument information in 3 tables for gravestones and similar monuments
    • photographs in 4 tables which provide for grouping photographs into “sets” rather like photo albums, but allowing one photograph to be included in several sets
    • other people information in one table for sundry information about a person that does not fit anywhere else
    • school books records from school registers in 2 tables
    • surveys and rate records in 2 tables
    • will information in 3 tables
  1. building information in 4 tables which provide for storing architectural and historical information and indexing photographs.  The table also provide for sub-divisions of buildings such as a terraces or a tenement blocks.
  2. master reference data shared by several of the above areas, stored in 7 tables
  3. derived tables which summarise information from the above areas to provide faster response to enquiries
    • a table, masterPeople with a record for each person mentioned in any of the Source tables listed above, and a link back to the source table
    • a table buildingPeople with a record for each person mentioned in any Source table above who can be identified with a specific property, and a link back to the source table
    • two tables with alternative spellings of family names and first names, respectively
    • image and document keyword indexes
  4. technical tables used to provide flexibility to make changes to the software functions (3 tables: masterSource, masterSourceEvent, and churchRegisterLines)

The diagram below illustrated as the tables and the relationships between them.

B.  Web pages

Page versions

The lists on the next page records the version number of each page at 26 August 2013.  To open a spreadsheet containing these lists click on this icon:










Pages used for Web Entry

The diagrams below illustrate the relationships between the pages for web entry for each source of information, and provide an indication of the role of each page.


C.  Change Requests

Click on the link below to open spreadsheet summary of enhancement requests.


D.  New Installation Task

These note are intended to provide a checklist of tasks to set up a database, install pages, and tailor the site to integrate with a village’s own pages.

Creating the Database

This section assumes the database will be set up as part of the Milton Keynes Heritage Association (MKHA) web site hosted by Internet Service Provider Host-IT.  If another Internet Service Provider is used, the steps here must be modified in consultation with that provider.  The minimum requirement is that there is access to a MySQL database.  It is also highly desirable that the tool phpMyAdmin is provided to access the database.

This step requires access to a user name and password to access the Host-It controller.

Host-It controller user name:_______________________    password:___________________

These can be obtained from the chairman of MKHA.

  1. Open the Host-It web page:

and enter the user name and password

  1. Click the Domain icon on the User Main Menu
  2. Click the domain name on the Domains page
  3. Click the Database Manager icon towards the bottom of the Domain Menu
  4. Click the Add New button on the Databases page
  5. Select MySQL radio button, enter a database name, and click the Save button on the Databases page.  Keep a record of the name set up for the database name:

Database name:________________________________________

  1. Make a note of the Connection Information (MySQL Host) on the Update Database page.

Connect information (server name):______________________________________

  1. Click the Add New button in the Database Users box of on the Update Database page.
  2. Enter the database user name and password supplieddatabase user name:________________________    password:_______________________and click the Save button on the Add Database User page.
    (This name will be deleted once the database set up – see step 18 below).This returns to the Update Database page.
  3. Add further users, as required.  At least one must be added.
    Very few user names should be set up.  These are only used for accessing the database directly.  The users here are not the users of the web site.  It may be sufficient to set up two users:
  1. A person who will be the coordinator for the web site.
  2. A name and password to be used by the site web pages to authenticate their access to the database.

Keep a record of the user names and passwords set up.

Database user name password


  1. Click the word ‘here’ in the sentence: ‘See here for phpMyAdmin panel’.

This opens a phpMyAdmin page.

Keep a record of the web address of the phpMyAdmin page:

Web address:_____________________________________

Or add it to your favourites.

  1. Click the name of the database just set up in the left panel.
  2. Click the word Import in the menu near the top of the right panel.
  3. Click the Browse button and locate the file masterALL_YYYYmmdd.sql
    (YYYYmmdd is date file created) which has been supplied.
  4. Click the Go button in the bottom right on the page.
    The database table should now load.
    Note any error messages that appear.
  5. Check the following:
    1. 55 tables have been created, starting with accountsBooks, and ending with willSources.
    2. The following tables should hold data:
      (Check by clicking on the database name in the left hand panel.  The tables should be listed in the right panel, with the number of records shown in the column Records.  To see the content of a table, click on the browse icon, the first icon on the line beside a table name.  If there is no data, the structure of the database will appear in the right panel.)
  1. censusYear should hold 8 records for each of census years from 1841 to 1911
  2. churchRegisterLines should hold 8 records.
  • masterAltFamNames and masterAltFstNames should hold the alternative spellings of names developed at Hanslope. If it is preferred to start new content from scratch, the content of these tables can be deleted by first clicking on the table name in the list of all table in the left panel, then clicking Empty in the menu at the top of the right panel, then OK in the confirmation popup.
  1. masterCounty should hold approximately 175 records of allowed county and country names.
  2. masterReferences should hold one record (a user name to allow initial access to set up more names. The original name should be deleted later – see below).
  3. masterRelationships should hold approximately 125 records of allowed relationship which can be recorded between people
  • masterSource should hold approximately 17 records of sources of information which the system can display
  • masterSourceEvent should hold approximately 69 records of “events” related to the various sources in the previous table
  1. surveyData should hold one record, for the 1910 survey

All other tables should be empty.

    1. (After clicking the database name in the left panel, so the tables are listed in the right panel)
      Below the tables in the right panel, there should be a list of  approximately 23 Routines, starting with clearIndex and ending with nameIndexFirst.  (These routines are used to update the derived tables after new data has been entered.)  It may be necessary to click the word Routine to cause the list to appear, depending on the version of phpMyAdmin.
  1. Log out of phpMyAdmin by clicking the Exit icon near the top of the left panel.  Close this window.
  2. Delete the temporary database user name set up in step 9 above.
    1. Get to the Host-It  Update Database page:This may still be open.  However, Host-It may have logged out automatically.  In which case log in again by following steps 1 to 4 above.  Then click on the name of the new database on page Databases to arrive at the Update Database page.
    2. Click on the temporary name entered in step 9 in the Database Users box
    3. Click the Delete button on the Update Database User page.
    4. Click the OK button on the confirmation popup.
  3. Log out of the Host-It controller page by clicking on the words Log Off in the very small menu bar just below the page titles.  Close this window.

Using Microsoft Access to view the Database

It is possible to use Microsoft Access as a means of examining the tables in the database.

This is only recommended for those who already has Access on their PC, and who are already familiar with Access.

To use Access in this way, the tables in the new database are “linked” as “external tables” to Access.  This requires the setting up of the new database as an ODBC Data Source.

The step below are for Access 2002 running in Windows XP.  They are likely to be slightly different for other versions of Access and Windows.

To do this open Access, then follow the steps below.

  1. Select File – New, then click Blank Database.  A File New Database panel appears.
    1. Enter a file name for the Access file.
    2. Select a folder in which to save the file
    3. Click the Create button.
  2. Select File-Get External Data – Link Tables.  A Link panel opens.
  3. In the ‘File of type’ at the bottom of the panel select ‘ODBC Databases()’ from the drop-down list.  A Select Data Source panel appears.
  4. Select the machine Data Source tab, then click the New button.  Another panel opens with a wizard to guide the next steps.
  5. Click the ‘System Data Source’ radio button; click Next button.
  6. Select MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver from list that appears in another panel; click Next button.

If this driver does not appear on the list search the Web for “mysql odbc 5.1 download” which should find a MySQL site which allows the driver for Windows to be downloaded.

  1. Click the Finish button.  Several panels close and a new panel opens headed MySQL Connector/ODBC.
  2. Complete the form:
    1. Data Source Name is any name you care to give: say: ‘Web database’
    2. Description is optional; say: ‘Link to xxx database on web’ (xxx is your name for database)
    3. Server: enter the name recorded in step 7 of  Creating the Database above
    4. User: enter the name set up in step 10b of  Creating the Database above
    5. Password: enter password set up in step 10b of  Creating the Database above
    6. Database: enter name set up in step 6 of  Creating the Database above
    7. Click the Test button to check the software can make the connection with the information provided.  If there is an error, check all the information entered.  After that ….
    8. Click the OK button.  The panel ‘Select Data Source’ should be exposed, with the source just added now in the Machine Data Source list.
  3. Select the Data Source Name for the Machine Data Source list; click the OK button
    A Link Tables panel should appear listing all the tables in the MySQL database.
  4. Select the table to be shown in Access by clicking on each.  When all required tables are selected, click the OK button.

Note that as a result of the above steps, the new database tables should be visible in the Access Tables panel.  The data is still held on the server.  No data is held in Access.  All Access holds is information about how to link to the tables.

The tables may now be opened in Access and the content of tables can be changed, just as local tables are.  Queries can be written using the query-by-example features of Access.

Obviously, care should be taken not to introduce error to the database by ill thought out changes.

It is always better to make changes with the facilities provided on the user pages.

Loading the pages

This section assumes the new pages will be added to an existing web site which is part of the MKHA site hosted by Internet Service Provider Host-It.  If this is not the case the steps below must be adapted to whatever environment is intended.

The pages are provided in two folders: visitorPages and WebEntry.  Each folders is intended to be loaded as a child folder of the folder in which the index page of the web site is stored.

Load the new pages using the normal method used for loading pages, such as FTP.

Load one folder at a time.  The content of that folder should be loaded with it.

If there is an existing folder with the same name as one of the folders to be loaded, load the new pages for this folder into the existing folder.

Spreadsheet pageVersions.xls contains list of pages provided by folder.

Tailoring the pages

Tailoring is by changing the following pages:

  • coWebEntry.php in folders visitorPages/shared/ and webEnry/shared/
  • styles3.php in folder visitorPages/shared/
  • weStyle.php in folder webEntry/shared/
  • analytics.php in folder sharedFiles

The role of each of these pages and what needs to be done to tailor them is set out below.


This file contains the information which all other pages use to connect to the database.

Use any text editor (such as Notepad, or GoLive) to add the following to this file:
(in each case between the quotation marks “”)

  • hostname: enter name set up in step 7 of  Creating the Database above
  • database: enter name set up in step 6 of  Creating the Database above
  • username: enter the name set up in step 10b of  Creating the Database above
  • password: enter the corresponding password set up in step 10b of  Creating the Database above

Save the file and load it to the server.

To test the connection, try to load the following file:

where xxxx is replaced by the site address within MKHA site.

If the connection is established, the drop-down box for year should be showing each of the census years from 1841 to 1911.  If they do not appear, the connection has not been established.  Check each of the pieces of information entered to coWebEntry.php, and make sure the changed page has been saved and loaded to the server.

If that does not solve the problem, you will need help.

style3.php and weStyle.php

These two files contain the styles information to change the colour and appearance of pages.

  • styles3.php is used for pages seen by visitors to the site
  • weStyle.php is used for the page used by team members for web wntry

Both these pages contain php code which loads session variables into the style sheet, most to modify colours.  These session variables are loaded at the beginning of a visitor or web entry session by page vvParameters.php in the shared folder.  The page vvParameters.php is loaded into the first page the used accesses when starting a session.  Page vvParameters.php reads the variables from the database table masterParameters.

It is recommended that initially, changes to colour and appearance are made using the web entry pages under the menu item Reference Data.  If this s sufficient, there will be no need to modify the style sheet directly.

The style sheet have some notes on them.  Probably the best way to modify them is to experiment, initially making small change which are easily visible, say to colour.  It will be much easier to make these changes using an HTML/CSS editor which can display colours to choose, rather than trying to find the numbers that represent a colour.


This file provides a Google analytics code to each visitor page, to enable Google analytics to accumulate statistics on page usage.  If the site is using Google analytics, the site account code with Google must be inserted in the file.  Otherwise the code on this page should be commented out, as delivered.

Adding links to the pages in existing web site

To make these pages available to visitors to the web site, links to them must be added in the existing pages.  In addition, it is probably best to add some complete introductory pages which act as linking pages.

The most important pages which are candidates to be link to are:

  • for persons: personSearch.php which is the page by which a user submit search criteria to find a person
  • for images: imageSelect.php which allows users to select images to view, by either selecting a ‘set’, or by entering a few keywords
  • for buildings: buildingStreetSelect.php which lists streets for the user to choose one to move on to thumbnails of the houses in the street as a means of selecting a building.  If the alternative method of selecting from a map is to be used, a page will be required to hold the map, and hotspots added to create the links.  Another alternative is to import a Google map (see example on Sherington web site).

The following pages could also be linked, but if they are not, the information will be available by other means:

  • accountsSelect.php which allows the user to select a book of accounts to review
  • censusPageSelect.php which is the starting page for searching the census only.  It asks the user to select a census year, district and page to be displayed.
  • churchBooksList.php which will list the books available and allows the user to click on a book to open the first page of the book.
  • directoriesList.php which allows user to select a directory to view
  • docsFind.php which allows the user to search for a document
  • electRegister.php which allows the selection of an electoral register to view
  • mapSelect.php which lists maps available to view and allows selection of one
  • monumentResults.php which list all monuments such as tombstones
  • poorRatePage.php to select a poor rate book to view
  • willList.php which lists all wills indexed and allow the user to select one to view
  • 1910Page.php  to view the 1910 Inland Revenue survey